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Health Practices to Observe in Poultry Production

Aug 22, 2024 / By Admin2 Admin2 / in Chicken Care and Management including egg production and predator control

Maintaining the health of your poultry flock is essential to ensure productivity and prevent the spread of diseases. Here are crucial health practices every poultry farmer should follow:

1. Careful Sourcing of Birds

  • Avoid buying birds from live markets or uncontrolled sources, particularly during disease outbreaks, to prevent introducing contagious diseases into your flock.

2. Vaccination

  • Newcastle Disease and Other Vaccinations: Vaccinate all birds against Newcastle Disease and any other prevalent diseases in your area, such as Fowl Pox. Chicks should receive vaccinations at 2-3 weeks of age, with re-vaccinations as advised by veterinarians.

3. Disease Management

  • Isolate Sick Birds: If you suspect a bird has a serious disease, isolate it immediately to prevent the spread. Contact a veterinarian for a diagnosis or treat the bird if you're confident in your diagnosis.
  • Proper Disposal of Dead Birds: Dead birds should be burned or buried at least 1 meter deep to prevent dogs and other animals from spreading the disease.
  • Handling Outbreaks: If multiple birds are sick, determine the cause before introducing new birds or administering vaccines. Report suspected cases of Newcastle Disease or Avian Influenza to a veterinarian immediately.

4. Quarantine New Birds

  • Isolation Before Introduction: Keep new birds isolated for two weeks before introducing them to the flock. This practice helps to prevent the spread of potential diseases to your existing birds.

5. Special Considerations for Broilers and Layers

  • Fast-Growing Breeds: Commercial broilers grow rapidly, often reaching market weight in 35-40 days, which can reduce the risk of certain infections. However, the dense population in commercial settings can increase the spread of viral diseases like Newcastle Disease or Avian Influenza.

For reliable poultry equipment, including cages, incubators, and health management tools, visit Engoho Kuku Farmer.